1 Audubon Street, New Haven, CT (203) 562-7662
10 Long Hill Road, Guilford, CT(203) 453-2323

Skin Deep: The ESANA Beauty Blog

Can’t Lose the Love Handles? Three Options for Men

For most men, those last 15 or so pounds around the waist are the hardest to loose. While women store extra fat around the hips, buttocks, and thighs, men often develop annoying “love handles” that remain, even with regular workouts at the gym. Following are three options, from most invasive to least… Continue reading

August 25, 2014 CoolSculpting, Liposuction, Procedures For Men

Avoiding Risky Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Procedures

Are you one of more than 9 million women a year in the U.S. who are contemplating cosmetic procedures? Serious surgeries like liposuction, breast surgery, and body contouring require the same meticulous surgical skills you would expect from a heart surgeon or the doctor who is setting a compound fracture. Even less complex procedures like … Continue reading

August 21, 2014 Plastic Surgery