Tired of Covering Skin Imperfections?
Do you regret those unprotected hours in the sun that have left you with age spots and too many freckles? Have you spent hours covering brown spots, rosacea, and broken capillaries with expensive cover products that offer only temporary success? For a lasting solution, Esana joins leading skin care professionals around the world who have incorporated FDA approved Lumenis® IPL Photorejuvenation into their practices. This gentle treatment removes imperfections and stimulates your skin’s natural repair mechanisms.
As Esana’s Dr. Davila explains, “We recently acquired a new Lumenis® IPL Photorejuvenation treatment system because it is a safe and very successful solution to both pigment and vascular skin imperfections. And patients love it because it leaves the skin younger looking than before the treatment!”
To begin the process, the clinician spreads cold coupling gel (similar to the gel used with an ultrasound machine) on the treatment area. An intense visible light pulse is then delivered to target red or brown discoloration. Most people experience some warmth but little discomfort as the quick bursts of light are applied to the skin. The session usually lasts 15 – 30 minutes.
Immediately after the treatment, you will notice some redness, but this usually subsides within a few hours. You can apply makeup immediately and continue your normal day’s activities. There is no downtime. You will be advised to stay out of direct sun for a few days and use sun screen.
The number of treatments and intensity of the light pulses is determined by your specific skin type and skin condition. For most conditions 2-4 sessions will provide dramatic improvement. Based on your response to the first treatment, the Lumenis® IPL allows your practitioner to customize subsequent ones so that imperfections from too much sun, aging, or genetics soon fade from your skin and your memory.