Summer Dilemma 2020
Face or Body
As our lives have been turned upside down, increasing the emphasis on communication via screens it’s hard not to notice what our faces look like, sometimes multiple times a day. Now that our state has begun to reopen and we pop out of the ground like little groundhogs, we realize that all of a sudden it’s nearly summer (Memorial Day is behind us). Spring passed us by while we were grumbling about Zoom meetings or having to rely on FaceTime to talk to family and friends. Our grooming and “maintenance” took a back seat while many of us watched the scale go up as we socially distanced.
Now we get to decide, what do we tend to first, the face or the body? On-screen communication isn’t going anywhere and we still have to look at our faces in the mirror. On the other hand, as the temperatures go up and we shed layers we become more motivated to reverse the effect of hibernation on our waistlines. We are happy to offer specials for the face, body, and that most basic of ingredients for any skin care routine: sunscreen.
Learn more here about the Covid-19 precautions in place at Esana designed to protect our patients and staff. On an unrelated note, the pandemic may have pushed the summer Olympics to next year, but before you know it we’ll be “enjoying” the distinctive sound of cicadas as this is their season to emerge from the ground in a 17-year life cycle and no virus will make them postpone! Chirp.