Searching for a ‘Mommy Makeover?’
One of the hottest trending search terms in plastic surgery these days is the “mommy makeover.” Although probably a misleading term (we prefer pre-pregnancy restoration), this refers to one or more plastic surgery procedures that restore women’s post-pregnancy bodies, usually of the breast and/or abdomen. These procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, as well as liposuction, mini-tummy tuck, or a full tummy tuck (otherwise known as abdominoplasty).
In our practice, mothers are by far our largest demographic. The recent rise in the numbers of patients and procedures is probably due to society’s value placed on a youthful appearance as well as the public’s wider acceptance of plastic surgery.
Breast augmentations increased 55% from 2000 to 2006, rising from 212,500 procedures to 329,326. Breast lifts saw an even larger increase, going up 96% during the past six years, with the total number of procedures rising from 52,836 to 103,788. Tummy tucks saw the largest increase of over 4,000%.
We often recommend certain goals be achieved first before considering mommy makeovers to assure the best possible outcome and to maintain those results. These include:
• Achieving your desired target weight, at least within 10 lbs.
• Making sure you are exercising at least 10-30 minutes per day
• Adhering to a high quality, low processed food, low sugar lifestyle.
• Minimizing alcohol consumption to less than 2-3 drinks per week.
• Quitting smoking.
• Making sure you have adequate family and child care support for the first two weeks after surgery.