The Rise of Tummy Tucks in the U.S. and its Benefits
You’ve had bariatric surgery and are thrilled with the weight you’ve lost. However, significant loss of weight often results in excess skin that may mar the effect of a slimmer body. As a result, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) report the fastest rate of growth in procedures specifically associated with massive weight loss in four years. This growth follows a similar increase in weight loss surgeries.
Many people who have lost a massive amount of weight experience excessive sagging of the skin, particularly under the arms, in the breasts, in the thighs, and around the abdomen.
Not only is this excessive skin unsightly; many people find it hard to exercise, to move without pain, or even fit comfortably into their new clothes. Despite the victory of losing sometimes over a hundred pounds or more, many individuals still feel “heavy” because they focus on the excess skin that is a constant reminder of the weight they shed.
In 2013 about 179,000 Americans underwent weight loss surgery (about 500 procedures daily). In 2014 nearly 45,000 individuals who experienced massive weight loss also opted to reshape their bodies with plastic surgery, only a fraction of the many who would have derived major benefits from it. This number would certainly be higher if the cost of these procedures were covered by medical insurance, but coverage can usually only be obtained for the most extreme cases. In the absence of personal savings or family help, third-party financing such as CareCredit ™ can help overcome the financial obstacles.
“Patients find that the changes go way beyond the physical,” says Esana’s Dr. Davila. “They often show up with a renewed sense of pride and enthusiasm for physical activity and healthier habits that can be attributed to their improved comfort level. At this point each scar from surgery represents a battle they have fought and won.”