A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common occurrence that happens when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to have excess weight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin. For this reason, a double chin can be stubborn and persist despite a healthy diet and workout regimen.

Unhappy with your Double Chin or profile in the mirror?
Here are four procedures found to be most effective at helping you to love your neck again.
Surgical & Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Double Chin
Do you have an excess layer of fatty tissue under their lower jaw? Is this undesired look a recent problem, or have you struggled with it for a long time? Have you become frustrated from the lack of noticable results even after improving your diet and exercise regimen?
4 Ways to Get Rid of Your Double Chin
Fortunately, the four treatment options listed below are highly effective at removing the excess fat that make up the appearance of your double chin. For more information, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons to discuss which option is best for you to achieve a slimmer more satisfying contour to you neck and face.
Kybella to treat Double Chin
Kybella has been approved by the FDA for treatment (reduction) of fat under the chin. Injection of deoxycholic acid, which is naturally produced by your body to digest fat, will result in reduction of submental fat (or “double chin”). This is an effective non-surgical treatment that can improve the aesthetics of your chin and neck definition. It is ideal for those whose sagging neck profile is caused by a fat pocket and want to avoid surgery.
At least 2 Kybella treatments are usually necessary to maximize a change in chin profile. Treatments can be spaced as close as 4-6 weeks apart.

Kybella Before & After Photos
Click and drag the slider to the left (to show after) and to the right (to show before) and reveal the dramatic transformations:

CoolSculpting to treat Double Chin

Are you looking for a nonsurgical procedure that also offers no needles and no downtime? You may be a perfect candidate for the non-invasive CoolSculpting treatment to reduce fat under the chin and help contour the neckline. The CoolSculpting procedure results in a noticeable and measurable reduction of fat in the treated area. Most patients can start to see results as soon as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results occurring over a period of one to three months. Every patient is unique, so patients are encouraged to talk to their physician about a customized treatment plan as part of the initial consultation. Additional treatments in the same or multiple areas may enhance the desired aesthetic effect.
CoolSculpting Before & After Photos
Click and drag the slider to the left (to show after) and to the right (to show before) and reveal the dramatic transformations:

Ultherapy to treat Double Chin

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck and under the chin. This cutting-edge procedure uses ultrasound to transform the chin to give you the profile you want to see in your reflection while looking in the mirror or a family photo! This has been a safe and effective in clinical studies and in over a half a million treatments worldwide.
Ultherapy Before & After Photos
Click and drag the slider to the left (to show after) and to the right (to show before) and reveal the dramatic transformations:
Liposuction to treat Double Chin

Chin liposuction (also called submental liposuction) is designed to reduce excess fat under the chin, or in the neck, and jowls. These fat collections are often not metabolized easily with diet and exercise, and thus rarely improve with weight loss. Subplatysmal fat is especially stubborn and can be prevalent in your neck regardless of your overall body weight. Sometimes eliminating your double chin requires a little extra help.
Liposuction Before & After Photos
Click and drag the slider to the left (to show after) and to the right (to show before) and reveal the dramatic transformations: